After more than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, it is still not clear when we could go back to the normal as we know it. Mentally, most of us have already had the worst episode of our lives but there is no guarantee that our hard-fought struggle will be over soon. The chances are there will always be some level of unnerving measures everywhere we go outside our homes in the foreseeable future, even though, at the best, we do not wake up to the news of thousands of more deaths every day anymore. So, it is time we adopt certain lifestyle changes to make sure we outlive this tiny yet incredibly cunning and dangerous virus as a perfectly healthy human being, both in body and in spirit. Here are five easy-to-follow suggestions: Fight the disease, not the measures Granted, all of us are tired and we do not want to be afraid or constrained any longer. We just want to be our old selves again. The thing is the price we might have to pay for forcing our way into it is too high. Any...
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