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Showing posts with the label mindfulness

Happiest People on Earth: Can You Be One of Them?

  The link between happiness and health is indisputable. It is so much so that the two can hardly exist without one another. Ask Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama and the highest spiritual Tibetan leader, and he is famous to have said that "happiness is the highest form of health."  I agree.  Staying healthy without being happy is next to impossible and a low life satisfaction is almost certain to derail one's health sooner or later. All that promote happiness, or subjective well-being, then, are likely to improve one's health outcomes, too.  But, life has inescapable ups and downs and we all experience loss, failure and disappointment -- some more than others -- as our journeys progress and we age. So the question is how do we stay happy regardless? Here, I will propose a certain state of mind that allows people to attest to a solid, thick body of contentment with their lives no matter what: Core happiness. It is an uninterrupted experience of perfection in one...

Mental Health 101: How to End School Anxiety

  One way or another, most of us spend a good deal of our lives at school, dealing with it in multiple dimensions. It impacts our relationships with our friends and families, not to mention our-very-selves. If not properly addressed, the fear of failure that often manifests itself around exam periods might turn into a constant state of anxiety and continue to haunt us day and night even beyond formal education years.  Knowing how to overcome it, therefore, has an enormous potential to improve how much we make out of our most valued treasure in this life -- our time. I suggest you spare the next couple of minutes and read on to start the change today. Prioritize Education and Learning, Not The School Itself Answer me one thing first: Why do you go to school? As small kids, we started doing so because our families or caretakers wanted us to. And because everyone did the same, we never questioned, at least not initially, why we became a student all of a sudden. Those were th...